For 2006 some of the movies with the most number of products integrated into the story were The Pursuit of Happyness, Borat, The Departed, Invincible, Talladega Nights, Miami Vice, Click, the Breakup, Mission Impossible 2, and Big Mama's House 2. Talladega Nights was the one with the most listed products, which I found interesting since it was not the most popular movie of the bunch. I was not surprised by the amount in the Persuit of Happyness or the Departed as both of those films recieved a lot of recognition over the past year. (including Golden Globe nominations!)
For the most part all of the products placed fit well with the theme of the movie. Talladega Nights had a lot of Nascar and Auto type brands. Invincible featured numerous sports equipment brands. Miami Vice featured tons of popular cars and electronics.
Overall I thought it was really cool to actually see how many brands were put in to each movie. For the most part I would say that all the brands worked well within the movies that they chose.
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