I personally thought he had a lot of great things to say. Basically he focused on how marketers need to change from trying to sell products to people that do not have any interest in them at all and instead figure out the best ways to sell a story to people about products that they do have an interest in. Word of mouth is truly an amazing tool. Getting people talking about and excited about your product has priceless benefits. So instead of bombarding people with advertisements for things they do not need or use or are willing to buy, focus on marketing more effectively to your target and get them talking about what you have to offer. Get consumers interested in the story that you are selling with your product.
Obviously he talked mostly about online advertising on sites like Google since that is who his audience was, but I think that a lot of what he said can pertain to product placement as well.
When you give Carrie Bradshaw an apple laptop in each Sex and the City episode, you are selling a story of that brand of laptop to an audience who identifies with or is interested in that character's lifestyle. With marketing trends moving more towards product placement I think that there is a lot of opportunity for brands to get their names out there using placement in media that their target is watching. They not only will get the attention of more of their target, they will also sell the story that goes along with the product.

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